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Guidance on Proposal 3

Guidance on Proposal 3

One of the great privileges of our country is that citizens have a say in shaping its laws through the voting process. On November 8, citizens who call Michigan their home state will be presented with proposals to amend the state constitution. One of these proposals – Proposal 22-3 (also known as Proposal 3) – is immoral, as it virtually removes all protections for the unborn.

As elders, we have an obligation to shepherd the flock of God at all times, especially when the life of human beings, made in the image of God, is on the line.

The political process in our nation is a gift from God. It is God who has given civil governing authority, whether it is to kings or elected officials. They are ultimately accountable to God for ruling and governing in a manner that upholds the righteous laws of God.

God is establishing his kingdom through the church, and for this purpose, he has given the church spiritual authority, expressed in the proclamation of the gospel. Because the church’s authority is spiritual, not civil, in nature, our church does not endorse political parties or candidates. Yet as citizens of God’s kingdom, each of us is obliged to uphold God’s moral law, which includes participation in the political process that determines the laws of our land.

For this reason, we are speaking out against Proposal 3 because this proposal seeks permanently to amend the Michigan constitution in ways that are harmful to unborn children, women, families, and, therefore, to our state.

You can read the whole language of Proposal 3 here. Additionally, here’s what the proposal will look like on the ballot. For a legal analysis of the language on the proposal, see the statement by the non-partisan, non-profit institution, Citizens Research Council of Michigan.

At Oak Pointe Church, we are committed to the Scriptures. The Scriptures teach us the worth of all women and men, including those in the womb (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13). The Scriptures also lead us to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” (Proverbs 31:8). It is for these reasons that we must oppose laws that pretend to advocate for women at the expense of their offspring. The gospel does not give us broken solutions or false choices.

We, as a church, love, honor, and value women. We want women to experience the fullness of life in Jesus, and we stand ready to protect them in their most vulnerable moments. For many, this includes pregnancy. We recognize that an unplanned pregnancy puts a woman in a very difficult position that often feels impossible, and the decision to have an abortion is typically not made lightly. We are partnering with local crisis pregnancy centers so that our congregation may offer women in our communities tangible and timely help.

We want you to know that if you have had an abortion, we believe that by faith in Jesus Christ, you can experience the fullness of God’s grace, forgiveness, truth, and love. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). We are here for you. Additionally, whether you have had an abortion, experienced a miscarriage, or faced a complicated pregnancy, we want you to receive support through our Restore ministries, counseling from our women, and the pastoral care you need.

We also love, honor, and value the most vulnerable in our society: the poor, immigrants, orphans, the elderly, and – tragically – our unborn children. Proposal 3 seeks to expand abortion, to write into law the right to an abortion, regardless of the baby’s development in the womb. All that is required is that in the judgment of an “attending health care professional” (not necessarily a medical doctor), abortion would protect the pregnant woman’s life or physical health or mental health. In other words, if Proposal 3 passes, the authority to terminate life has expanded and has essentially no restrictions.

Moreover, Proposal 3 is so extreme that it would remove the requirement for parental consent for minors seeking an abortion, sterilization, or gender-transition treatments. Additionally, all existing laws governing abortion in our state that conflict with Proposal 3 would be invalidated.

We acknowledge that following the overturning of Roe, each state, including Michigan, has much legislative work to do on the issue of abortion. Still, we firmly believe that Proposal 3 is not the answer. The proposal is both extreme and immoral.

As Christians, we trust that the future is in God’s hands. His kingdom will come. The outcome of our nation’s elections will not hinder the forward movement of his purposes in Christ for the church. But it is impossible for a people, a nation, to thrive under unjust and immoral laws. The Lord hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16–17). If Proposal 3 should pass on November 8, let it not be because we kept silent.

Please join us in prayer for our state and our nation. We love our church and the gospel mission we share.

If you have any questions or want to discuss this topic, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your elders and pastors.

To avail yourself of the resources we have for women, please email Margaret Michael, our Restore Ministries Director.

The Elders at Oak Pointe Church Novi

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Parent Summit Content

Parent Summit

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MILESTONE OVERVIEW – Featuring David Thomas

Milestones Overview
(5 Minutes)

EMOTIONAL MILESTONES – Featuring Sissy Goff and David Thomas

1. Emotional Milestones
(8 Minutes)
2. Emotional Stumbling Blocks
(11 Minutes)

3. Emotional Building Blocks
(8 Minutes)

Notes: Emotional Milestones

SOCIAL MILESTONES – Featuring Sissy Goff and David Thomas

1. Social Milestones
(7 Minutes)

2. Social Stumbling Blocks
(8 Minutes)

3. Social Building Blocks
(7 Minutes)

Notes: Social Milestones

SPIRITUAL MILESTONES & FINAL THOUGHTS – Featuring Sissy Goff and David Thomas

1. Spiritual Milestones
(12 Minutes)

2. Final Thoughts
(2 Minutes)

Notes: Spiritual Milestones

Additional Resources

Books to Read


Are My Kids On Track?
by Sissy Goff, Melissa Trevathan, & David Thomas


Raising Worry-Free Girls
by Sissy Goff


Brave: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Worry and Anxiety
by Sissy Goff

Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys
by Stephen James and David Thomas

Online Resources to Explore


Feelings Chart
Help kids develop an emotional vocabulary


Raising Great Kids Podcast
Practical tips for parents

Meet Our Speakers

Sissy Goff

Sissy Goff has more than 25 years of experience counseling kids and families. She has written and co-written 11 books and is the co-host for a podcast called Raising Boys and Girls. Sissy is the Director of Child and Adolescent Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, Tennessee.

David Thomas

David Thomas has more than 20 years of experience counseling kids and families. He has written and co-written eight books and is the co-host for a podcast called Raising Boys and Girls. David is the Director of Family Counseling at Daystar Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee.

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