The Role of Elders at Oak Pointe
Our church is governed by a plurality of elders whose qualifications come from 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Three of them are on staff. The other four are lay elders from among the congregation. They govern the affairs of the church, give oversight to the Lead Pastor, and shepherd the people of the congregation.
Elders & Their Wives

Peter & Doris Booth

Blaine & Gloria Dennison

Jim & Tammy Hobbs

Jamil & Manuela Mansour

Jon & Anna Morales

Praveen & Joanna Perumalla

Gildo & Jane Tori
Elders & Their Wives

Peter & Doris Booth

Blaine & Gloria Dennison

Jim & Tammy Hobbs

Jamil & Manuela Mansour

Jon & Anna Morales

Praveen & Joanna Perumalla