Due to inclement weather, Oak Pointe offices, the Pointe Café, and Play Park Will be Closed January 21 & 22


We believe that prayer is vital to our ministry and our lives.

Prayer Groups

In-Service Prayer

Sunday 9:15 or 11:15 am

There’s a team of people who pray during each of our weekend services. We pray for the teaching pastor, the people listening to the message, the kids, students, and everything else that’s going on during the service. Join us in the Prayer Room (Room 146) before service.

Tuesday Night Prayer

Tuesday 7:00-8:30 pm in the Prayer Room (room 146)

During this time of prayer and worship, we sit in God’s love and presence as we pray for the needs of our church family, our community, and one another.

Saturday Morning Prayer

Saturday 10:30 am–12:00 pm

We meet at a home in South Lyon to pray together using the ACTS Prayer Model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication). Email Edna (ednafeingold@yahoo.com) for more information.

Outreach Prayer

If you’d like to be part of a team that prays specifically for Oak Pointe events, email Beth (beth.swis@oakpointe.org). You’ll then receive emails with info on upcoming events and details on what to pray for.

Transforming Prayer

by appointment

Transforming Prayer is a process designed to help you identify core beliefs about yourself and/or God that are disrupting your walk with Christ and having a negative impact on your relationships. The goal is mind renewal and transformation, which is accomplished as we connect with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to bring truth to counter the lies we believe. Please note that this is not counseling but a mentoring relationship that seeks to ultimately teach individuals how to pray through issues independently and adapt it as a spiritual discipline.

Prayer Shield

Be a part of a great support system by praying for our pastors and staff. You’ll receive updates with specific prayer requests so you’ll know what to pray for.


Connect with Beth Swis, our Prayer Coordinator, at beth.swis@oakpointe.org.

Missionary Prayer Calendar

Join us in praying for our missionaries! Download the monthly prayer calendar.

Share Your Prayer Request

If you have a special need that we can pray for, please let us know by filling out the form. We would like to have as many people at Oak Pointe pray for you as possible. At the same time, we realize you may need your information kept confidential. Please choose the prayer option that best fits your needs.