Due to inclement weather, Oak Pointe offices, the Pointe Café, and Play Park Will be Closed January 21 & 22

Child Dedication

Sign up for our next child dedication service.

At Oak Pointe Church we consider it a privilege to partner with parents as they raise and nurture their children. Scripture teaches that parents have the awesome responsibility to see that their children grow up in a home where the love of God is both taught and demonstrated. The church wants to come alongside families to support them in this wonderful adventure.

What is Child Dedication?

A Child Dedication ceremony is a celebration where the parents publicly dedicate their children to God for His service. With God’s help and guidance, they commit to raise their children in the truth of God’s Word, to pray with them and for them, and to encourage them to trust Jesus as their Savior.

But it is not only the child who is being dedicated. The parents also commit themselves before God and His church to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of Jesus. They also dedicate themselves to live as Godly parents, who love one another and are subject to the Lord.

The church family is also called on to dedicate themselves to love, encourage, and support these parents and families in their efforts to raise their children to know and love the Lord.

What Child Dedication is Not

  • Child dedication is not the same as baptism. Read more about what we believe and how we practice believer’s baptism on our Baptism page.
  • Child dedication is not an assurance of salvation. The child is still responsible when mature enough to understand the gospel message and to respond in faith to Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

I’m Ready!

If you would like to dedicate your child(ren), take a few moments to fill out the form below. One of our community pastors will contact you to walk you through any questions you have and prepare you to participate in our next ceremony.


Not sure if you’re ready, but want more information about child dedications? Email blaine.dennison@oakpointe.org.