Student Team
Use your gifts, talents, and passion to serve others
Join the Students Team!
Serving the Next Generation
Our mission is to see every middle school and high school student accept Christ as their Savior and become a passionate follower of Him. We do this by creating an environment that builds students in Christ, equips them to minister for Christ, and develops leaders to multiply the process. Serving in Student Ministries is one of the most rewarding ways to pour into the next generation, and we’d love to have you join us! 707 (high school) meets on Wednesdays at 7:07 pm and the ROCK (middle school) meets on Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
Life Group Leaders
The backbone of 707 is our incredible life group leaders. They serve weekly on a Wednesday or Thursday evening starting at 6:30 pm from September through June. They lead a group of about 10 students and also meet/message with their students outside of Wednesday/Thursday nights (and pray for them regularly!). There is a monthly staff training on Sundays during the 11:15 am service, a staff training weekend each September and two retreats each year.
Other Opportunities
Serve one Wednesday or Thursday each month at either the snack shop or the welcome desk, or on the security team.
Snack Shop
Thursday only
Middle school students come hungry on Thursday nights! Serve them snacks, candy, and drinks from 8:45–9:15 pm.
Welcome Desk
Wednesdays or Thursdays
Greet students and sign them in from 6:30–7:15 pm. You’ll also register new students and connect them with a life group.
Security Team
Wednesdays or Thursdays
Help keep our students safe during their programs. Walk the halls and atrium and remind students to stay with their group. Serve from 6:30–9:00 pm.