
Become a member of Oak Pointe Church

Membership Class • April 6 at 11:30 am

Membership Process

Step One: Attend a Membership Class

You can register for the upcoming membership class here.

Step Two: Watch the Membership Videos

After the membership class, we would like you to watch a series of five short videos that provide an overview of different important aspects of our church.

Step Three: Complete the Membership Questionnaire

One of the main reasons we are relaunching membership is so that we can better shepherd the church. The membership questionnaire helps us get to know you better, allowing us to serve you more effectively.

Step Four: Meeting with an Elder/Pastor

One of the main reasons we are relaunching membership is so that we can better shepherd the church. The questionnaire helps us get to know you better, allowing us to serve you more effectively.

Step Five: Believer's Baptism

This step only applies if you have not yet been baptized as a believer.
Even though membership will be an ongoing process, we are planning to have a celebratory Membership Sunday later this year to recognize both the current and new members of Oak Pointe Church. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Membership FAQ

What is church membership?
When a person places their faith in Jesus, they become a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27). When Jesus becomes precious to us, His people become precious as well. Church membership formalizes this conviction and reflects our desire to grow in it. To put it another way, church membership is an outward expression of an inward commitment and love for the body of Christ.

Why is it important?
Membership is important because the gospel is the most important message in the world. Jesus entrusted the gospel message to the church. Without a strong church, the spread of the gospel message suffers. When a Christian is a committed member of the church, their presence and witness strengthens the church and safeguards the gospel.

How do I become a member?
The goal of our membership process is to help us get to know each other. It includes a membership class, informational videos, a questionnaire, and a meeting with an elder. On January 5, Pastor Jon will teach the membership class to the whole church.

Is church membership biblical?
Yes. The biblical basis for church membership is seen throughout the New Testament in many ways, including the example of the early church, and the many commands about how members of the body are to relate to one another in the context of the faith community (Heb.10:25; Rom.12:3-8; 1 Cor.12:12-27; Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-37).

Is membership a new direction for Oak Pointe Church?
No. We had a membership process throughout our history, but it was put on hold for the last few years.

If I’m not a member will I be able to participate and serve in the church ministries?
We welcome everyone to participate and serve in the various ministries of the church. At present, we are having discussions on how membership should impact ministry involvement, but there will be no changes in 2025.

Do I need to be baptized to be a member?

Does the expectation change for my financial giving if I am a member?
No. Regardless of whether you are a member or not, your giving is an act of worship and is between you and the Lord. If Oak Pointe is your church home, we encourage you to faithfully and generously support the gospel mission of the church


Contact Blaine Dennison at or 248-912-0043