Search My Heart

June 8, 2020

Romans 12:3

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.


With the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been said, “We are living in unprecedented times.” In the midst of this pandemic, our nation now faces another crisis. Even though its nature is very different than a pandemic, its potential for harm is just as great, if not greater. The tragic and senseless death of George Floyd has impacted our nation in a profound way. Right now, tensions are high as people that are angered by this tragedy cry out in anguish. This is not an isolated incident, but a symptom of a greater evil that has been around for ages. It appears that this tragedy has once again brought the issue of racism into the national spotlight.

In order to effectively deal with the evil of racism, we must begin by searching our own hearts for truth. David wrote, “Search me, God, and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me…” David invites God to search his heart for any “offensive” thought or action. I believe ultimate healing in our land will begin when we ask God to search our hearts and reveal sinful thoughts and attitudes that have led to sinful actions.

I think it is important to acknowledge that at the heart of racism and prejudice is pride. It is pride that causes one to look down upon another. It is pride that causes us to treat people differently based on their skin color. It is pride that causes us to act in such a way that we grieve the very heart of God. Scripture has a lot to say about pride. Pride is the summit of all sins! Pride caused Satan’s fall from heaven. God hates pride! It tops the list of the seven deadly sins found in Proverbs chapter six. If we are to foster healing in our country, then we must begin by acknowledging the reality of the sin of pride in our own hearts. Therefore, Paul warns us in Romans 12:3, “Do not think of yourself more highly that you ought…” In Matthew 11, Jesus instructs us to be like Him, “gentle and humble in heart.”

In times like this, it is easy to become defensive. Instead, let us search our own hearts and ask God to reveal any prideful thoughts and attitudes that we may harbor. If God reveals something, then we must ask for forgiveness and repent! This systemic problem will not go away by ignoring it. It will not end because we pass more laws. It will not end because we throw some money at it. The healing process begins when we acknowledge the reality of the sin of pride in our own hearts and ask God for forgiveness and repent.

Questions to Ponder:

Prayer Points

Invite and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal any offensive way. Some people find it helpful to picture the LORD – Jesus or our Father sitting before them. His Presence is with us, but we cannot see Him. Remember, It’s His kindness that leads us into repentance.

  • Confess. Tell God what you are sorry for as He brings those things to your remembrance. As You confess them to the LORD, accept His forgiveness. Remember, true repentance means to admit your sinful ways, say you are sorry and to walk in the other direction. It’s a change in the heart that Holy Spirit does in partnership with us that results in change of attitude and behavior. Ask for His help. He will answer your prayers.
  • If you find yourself continuing to sin in that same area, sometimes it is helpful to confess your sins to God with another believer. Scripture states, “confess your sins to one another and pray that you may be healed.” Ask a trusted spouse or friend to hold you accountable and to ask you how you are doing in that area. Remember, no shame no same!

Suggested Prayer
Father, I praise You as the giver of every good gift. Thank You for Your indwelling Spirit that leads me into truth. Thank You for how Your Holy Spirit also convicts me of sin. You strengthen and empower me to serve You. You grant me power to walk in holiness and by Your power within me. You convict me of sin, grace, and mercy. I confess LORD that I have sinned against You and others. I have had thoughts that are not pure. I have made wrong judgments. I have opened the door to violence, hate and crime just by what I watch on TV, on my computer and phone. Forgive me LORD.

With my mouth I have cursed and blessed. I have gossiped, slandered, mocked others in private and in public. I have not made every effort to keep the peace and when I did keep “the peace” it was when I actually should have taken a stand, a stand for You, a stand for those oppressed. I confess I have minimized what others have gone through and I have not listened to them at a heart level. I confess greed, power, control, self-centeredness, desire for comfort and easy life at the cost of others. I confess favoritism, withholding truth, sitting in silence. I confess all the times I have watched the news and have lacked compassion when seeing and hearing reports of those made in the image of God being cruel to others or being a result of their cruelty. Have mercy on me LORD for I am a sinner. Forgive me LORD. I ask all these things in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.