Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

August 20, 2020

Matthew 6:28-30

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.


Jesus begins verse twenty-eight with a penetrating question: “Why do you worry?” He provides the answer in verse thirty, “O you of little faith.” When we worry about all the little details of life, we are experiencing a faith crisis. Once again, we see that we are not to be overly anxious about the things of this world. Material things should not be the goal of our life. Our goal should be to walk in an intimate relationship with our Creator. This relationship is centered in faith and requires us to trust God in everything. So often it is in the waiting and trusting that God reveals Himself to us in powerful and significant ways. I have told many people that when they are struggling in their faith it is because they don’t know God well enough.

Someone recently asked me the question, “Don’t you worry about things?” My response was, “I am concerned about many things, but I try not to worry about anything.” We are taught in Scripture to “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). As we learned yesterday, nothing good comes from worry. It has no power to change the outcome of anything. It only has the power to harm oneself emotionally and physically.

Back in 2009, I experienced a burn-out that required me to step away from ministry for a period of time. During this time period, there were many unanswered questions. My life was a mess, and all I could do was cry out, “Abba, Daddy!” Through those months of pain, God kept reminding me, “Dave, My presence is all you need today!” My life was a mess, but I experienced a peace that I could not explain. All I could do was look up and trust that God had me in the palm of His hand. As God provided for me and my family, the worries just seemed to melt away like ice cubes on an asphalt driveway on a hot summer’s day.

Worry or anxiety is a part of our sinful nature. Fear is a strong emotion. When it is appropriately applied, it can protect us at times. When it is not appropriately applied, it can take us down some dark roads that lead us away from God. When you find yourself dealing with anxiety, remember this: “Perfect love drives out fear.” The only love that is perfect is the love that God has for us!

Questions to Ponder:

Why do you worry? What are you struggling to trust God with today? Think about a time you had to wait on God. How did God reveal Himself in that situation? How does trusting in a sovereign and loving God help you deal with all the upheaval that is going on in the world today?

Prayer Points

  • Thank the Lord that He has given you the mind of Christ. Ask Him to enable you to fix your eyes on Him and stare directly at Him, not your situation.
  • Pray for others in the body of Christ and those around you. Pray for strength in their inner man.
  • Pray for all those battling COVID. That they will be comforted by the LORD and know Him as the hope of glory and Prince of Peace.

Suggested Prayer
Heavenly Father, I praise You that You are Sovereign and Good. Thank You that You are my all-in-all. I worship You, my Lord and King, and declare You are the one and only true God, my Lord and King. Father, I ask that when I start to feel overloaded, worried, or concerned that You would come and remind me of what I am doing. Lead me on the straight path. I want to walk in the center of you. Lead me, Abba, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.