No Room for Pride

June 10, 2020

Matthew 23:12

For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Proverbs 15:25

The Lord tears down the house of the proud,
but he sets the widow’s boundary stones in place.

Proverbs 16:18

Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.


So far this week, we have acknowledged the reality of pride and the source of pride. Today, we will look at the consequences of pride. We are told in scripture that “the wages of sin is death.” We know this to mean both physical and spiritual death. But what does the Bible have to say specifically about the sin of pride? In the above text, Jesus makes it very clear: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled.” This is coming from the Son of God who declared, “All authority in heaven and on earth have been given to me.” When the person speaking these words has all authority, we had better pay attention.

God will not allow the sin of pride to go unchecked in our hearts. If we are nurturing the sin of pride in our hearts, God will find a way to humble us. As a child of God, there is no room for sinful pride and the awful attitudes and sinful actions it produces. There is no room in our relationship with God for pride. Everything we are and everything we have are the result of God’s mercy and grace. Therefore, we can only boast about God.

Whatever idols we are building in our hearts, God promises to tear down. If we allow the idol of “pride” to reign in our hearts, God will provide us with opportunities (circumstances) to recognize our folly and humble ourselves before Him. This often includes painful experiences that ultimately, we can grow from. I love the way Solomon puts it, “The Lord tears down the proud man’s house…Pride goes before destruction…” Because God loves us so much, He will not allow pride to take up residence in our hearts.

In our nation, we are seeing the consequences of sinful pride as it manifests itself through racial division and hatred. We now have an opportunity to act justly, show mercy and walk humbly with our God! Let’s take the initiative and embrace the ministry and message of reconciliation.

Questions to Ponder:

Can you think of a time when God used your circumstances to humble you? What did you learn from this experience? Do you have any “idols” in your heart that need to be cast down? What will you do to take the initiative when it comes to racial reconciliation?

Prayer Points

  • Invite Holy Spirit to search Your heart and life to reveal to you any idols. (Ex. work position, age, education, economic status, your family heritage, your marriage, kids, health, comfort, happiness, things you have stored up, etc.)
  • Ask God to grant you wisdom and insight in steps that lead to action and change in your personal life and in those around you.

Suggested Prayer
Lord of Heaven and Earth, I praise You that You are powerful and mighty. Thank You Lord that Your heart IS moved toward those hurting and afflicted. Your Spirit grieves within me for those who have not seen justice here on earth. Just like the Israelites cry came up to You in the day of Moses, so does the cry of those being oppressed here on earth. Lord, keep those of us who are privileged in a posture of humility, repentance, and brokenness and we lean into You and learn from You.

Put us in positions of humbly listening and doing life alongside those who are afflicted. Enable us as one body to even come alongside those we have oppressed for generations and enable us to bless them in Your Name. May we be people who grant them platforms to speak and share. May we be ones found listening, changing, and acting on their behalf in Your Name.

Oh God, pour out a spirit of repentance across America. Your heart of compassion leads to transformation. Thank You LORD that you have stirred in people all over the world and You have our attention Oh Father, teach us Your way, lead us into Your truth and enable us by Your Holy Spirit to cultivate Your love and that Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.