Listening with Spiritual Discernment

August 26, 2020

Matthew 7:6-7

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

James 1:19

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry


As God’s people, we are privileged to handle the “holy things” of God. He has entrusted to us the precious truths of His Word, and we must regard them carefully. No dedicated priest would throw meat from the altar to a filthy dog, and only a fool would give pearls to a pig. While it is true we must carry the Gospel “to every creature” (Mark 16:15), it is also true that we must not cheapen the Gospel by a ministry that lacks discernment. Even Jesus refused to talk to Herod (Luke 23:9).

The reason for judgment, then, is not that we might condemn others, but that we might be able to minister to them. Notice that Jesus always dealt with individuals according to their needs and their spiritual condition. When religious leaders tried to trap Him, He refused to answer their question (Matt. 21:23-27). It is a wise Christian who first assesses the condition of a person’s heart before sharing precious pearls.

God’s gifts are not to be laid open to abuse or His truth to mockery. There is a right discrimination that is different from the censorious judging found in verses one and two. There are certain times and places where the best thing would be to not say a word. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us in when to speak and what to speak. Jesus tells us not to judge (condemn), and then He tells us we are to judge (discern). What is the key? Verse seven answers this question: ask, seek and knock. We must continually seek God’s wisdom in situations where we are trying to discern God’s will and how we respond to others. In the end, we need to learn to be a good listener! We must learn to listen to God with spiritual discernment, and we must learn to listen to others with that same kind of discernment.

Questions to Ponder:

Are you able to discern God’s will quickly? Are you able to hear other’s hearts and respond appropriately? Do you continually seek the Holy Spirit in your interactions with others? Are you a good steward of the sacred things of God?

Prayer Points

  • Hallow the Lord’s name: Spirit of Truth, Advocate, Mediator, Helper, Paraclete, Revealer of Truth, All-Wise God.
  • Ask Him for His will to be done in and through Your life and the life of our church family concerning listening to God and listening to others.
  • Ask Him to grant You and your brothers and sisters in the faith discerning hearts and minds.
  • Pray we will be blameless and holy before Him.

Suggested Prayer
Father of Lights, whom every good gift comes from, thank You for shepherding us into Your truth and light. Grant us strength and power to listen and be discerning to Your voice and ways. Thank You for entrusting to us the secret things in your Kingdom. Holy Spirit, I ask that You would enable me today to walk in Your power and walk in step with Your Spirit. Incline my ears to Your voice to know when to speak and when to just listen. Grant me power to serve others in love and mercy with the same kindness, love, and mercy You have shown me. I have been forgiven much so I love much. Let Your light and love shine in and though me, so that I serve others rightly and bring You honor and glory in all I do, say, and think. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask. Amen.