Giving FAQ

Why should I give online?

It is more convenient. Giving from your mobile phone, tablet or computer is really simple. And if you already pay most of your bills online, you probably don’t use a checkbook much anymore. Now you don’t need it for giving either.

Oak Pointe’s online giving is quick and simple. And, if you set up recurring giving, gifts happen automatically at an interval you decide without the need to log in every time you want to give.

You don’t have to be in attendance to give. You can give from home while working on your finances, give while you’re on vacation, or anywhere you’re connected to the internet.

You can access your giving history or download a giving statement anytime, so you can always know exactly when and how much you’ve given.

On our end, using online giving saves our staff significant processing time. Not only do the checks and cash need to be counted, but all that data needs to be keyed in every week and bank deposits need to be made. With online giving, tithes and offerings both move into the bank and into the right funds in our ledger seamlessly.

What is passwordless login?

You do not need a password to log in. On the donate page, click the link in the top right and select “Log in.” Enter the number for your mobile device and click “Next” to receive a text message with a verification code.

If you prefer, you can have the verification code delivered via email. Click the “Use email address instead” link under the “Next” button. Simply type your email address in the box and click “Next.”

Based on your selection, you’ll be sent a text message or email with a six-digit verification code which is good for up to 30 minutes. Enter the verification code and select “Next.” That’s it. You’re logged in. No passwords. Unless you logout or don’t visit the site within 14 days, you’ll stay logged in on your authenticated device. This is similar to how Gmail or Facebook leave people logged in.

The big advantage is better security. Passwords are neither secure nor simple. The vast majority of people re-use their passwords even though we all know we shouldn’t. Practically speaking, most people don’t have a strong, unique password for every site or app.

Is email authentication required every time?

The frequency of having to use email authentication when you give online, depends on how often you give. Once you’re logged in, you’ll stay logged in for a number of days – just like you’d expect with Gmail, Facebook, or any other web application. If you haven’t visited the giving site in over 14 days, we’ll ask you to log back in using email authentication.

How can I view my contributions?

Once you log in to Oak Pointe Online Giving, under “Donation History” you will see all of your contributions processed through our new system. You can view by year and download your donation history to a spreadsheet. Giving from our previous system will not be reflected in the new Oak Pointe Online Giving.

Will I receive a receipt?

When giving online, you will receive an email receipt showing when you gave, the amount of your gift, and where that gift was designated.

What are other options for giving?

ACH Bank Transfer (recommended)
Cash & Check
Credit & Debit Card
Text Message

How do I set up ACH donations?

Download our help document to walk you through the steps of verifying bank account ownership and setting up ACH donations.

Where can I mail contributions?

You can always send a contribution to the church’s mailing address, which is:

Oak Pointe Church
50200 W 10 Mile Rd.
Novi, MI 48374


If there is anything else we can help with regarding giving, please contact us at or 248-912-0043.