Poured Out for Us

March 24, 2020

Psalm 22:1, 14

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?….I am poured out like water.

Matthew 26:26-28

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.


This week we have been looking at Mary’s extravagant response to Jesus as her Redeemer. Today we focus on Jesus’ ultimate response to Mary and all those who would believe in Him.

Mary had worked out that Jesus was God’s promised Rescuer who would set things to rights. But why such an extravagant act of worship and devotion? It’s because Mary had begun to trust Jesus and worship him, not for what she could get out of him, but simply for who He is. That’s why she could pour out such a costly gift upon Jesus’ feet: because she truly believed he had brought her good news of peace and salvation with God (Isa. 52:7).

Judas was using Jesus for what he could get out of him. Mary made herself available to be used. You have to make the decision! And then, take heart, because Mary wasn’t perfect from here on out. She didn’t perfectly pour herself out and obey in response to his love. Instead, she trusted that Jesus, her Savior, had poured himself out for her. That’s what she saw on the cross, Jesus reciting Psalm 22 (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34) as he pours himself out for the sins of his people, for Mary. And she was transformed by that love. And we can be too!

The Big Question

Are you worshipping Jesus because he’s useful to you, or because you believe He is the Christ the Son of the living God? Be still for a moment and then ask God how He would have you respond today to Jesus pouring himself out on your behalf? Ask for wisdom and creativity as you pour yourself out for others as the hands and feet of Christ in the coming days.


  • Pray for those who are “pouring” themselves out, putting their lives on the line. Pray they would know the love of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the Global Church – unity, love, strength in this hour and for Name of Jesus Christ to be high and lifted up.
  • Ask God to reveal to you ways you can worship Him by serving others.
Suggested prayer:
Thank You Lord that You love perfectly. You poured out Your life for me. You are the perfect sacrifice. You gave it all. There is no greater love than Your love! Thank You Lord that there is nothing that we don’t go through that You haven’t taken upon Yourself. Thank You for that reminder in this season Lord, that You are a man of sorrows, acquainted with long suffering, acquainted with sorrow and deep anguish.

Oh Lord, through every season of the soul I can worship You, because You are worthy of all my praise. I offer to You my sacrifice of praise today in the middle of a mystery. By faith, I come to You for You are my King and my God and there is no other.

I will trust You and follow You for You are faithful to the end. I will sing of Your goodness and faithfulness. Grant me strength and encouragement. Thank You for the hope that is set before me – You. In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.