
Unity in the Church

Unity in the Church

In John chapter seventeen, we find Jesus in the upper room the night before His crucifixion. John records a long prayer that Jesus prayed that…

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The Problem With Pride

The Problem With Pride

This whole week we have looked at what it means to reflect Christ’s humility in our lives. Jesus described Himself as “gentle and humble in heart…

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Obedience Demonstrates Love

Obedience Demonstrates Love

Yesterday, we saw the importance of thinking like Jesus. We saw that in order to reflect Christ’s humility, we had to surrender our minds to…

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Fellowship With God Restored

Eternity is unveiled in chapter twenty-one. We will see a new heaven, a new earth, a new Jerusalem, a new era, and the eternal dwelling of Christ and His bride. In the vision now given to John…

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The 1,000-Year Reign

In this chapter, we are given a preview of the Millennial Kingdom in relationship to Christ, Satan, man, the tribulation saints, the resurrections, the earth, and the Great White Throne judgment. This chapter is the division…

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The Second Coming of Christ

John’s vision of the last days now turns a corner. John now writes about the return of the King of kings to rule and reign in righteousness.

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The Judgment of Two Babylons

In chapter seventeen, we see the judgment of two Babylons. We will first see the apostate church in the Great Tribulation in chapter seventeen…

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God Pours out His Judgment

In chapter fifteen, we learn about seven angels having seven plagues, which constitute the “completed wrath of God.” John also is shown a multitude…

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Counterfeit Messiah

In this chapter, John introduces us to two more characters in this end-times drama. We are introduced to the beast from the sea and the beast…

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The Great Tribulation

As chapter twelve begins, we are introduced to three characters who are very important in understanding the end-times narrative. We are now info…

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