
Fix Your Eyes on Christ

Fix Your Eyes on Christ

Today, we will look at a practical example of a divided church. The church at Corinth was known for its infighting and divisions. If you were…

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The Key to Biblical Unity

The Key to Biblical Unity

We are called to be one body, despite our differences (i.e. politics, social issues, sports, etc.). Disunity was just as much an issue in the…

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A Spirit-Empowered Movement

Here, Paul communicates that the church, the body of Christ, is a dwelling, a permanent temple of God in the Spirit. Today, God indwells believers…

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The Purpose of the Church

We clearly see from this text that the church is made up of many different parts. Not every part is the same, but each part is designed with…

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The Church’s Birthday

In this passage, Jesus is instructing His disciples that His church would be empowered by the Spirit of God. It is clear from Jesus’ words that…

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The Head of the Church

Yesterday we looked at Christ, the Rock/Foundation of the church. Today we read about Christ, the Head of the body. In the book of Ephesians…

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The Rock the Church Is Built On

Most theologians agree that when Jesus says “rock,” He is referring to Himself or to Peter’s confession that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the…

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Eternity in View

Today we come to the end of a five-year journey through the Bible. It has been an amazing journey as we think back to the opening chapters of Genesis where God created mankind and placed us in a perfect paradise….

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The New Jerusalem

John is now given a graphic vision of the new Jerusalem and a description of the eternal dwelling place of the Bride. In his commentary on Revelation, J.V. McGee writes, “The appearance of this city is…

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