
A God-Centered Heart

A God-Centered Heart

Mary paid a tremendous price to bring the Savior into the world. Her reputation in Nazareth was destroyed. She would have to give birth in a…

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Our Focus This Advent Season

Our Focus This Advent Season

This advent season we will encourage the church to reclaim the true meaning of Christmas by shifting our focus to worship fully the Christ who…

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Unity Through Transparency

Unity Through Transparency

In this passage, James is instructing the church to get right with God before Christ’s return. Obviously, there was grumbling and judgment go…

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Messengers of the Gospel

It is clear from the above text that both Jew and Gentile are to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. It is also clear from Scripture and…

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The Gospel of God’s Grace

In Paul’s farewell address to the Elders at Ephesus, he clearly communicated what was important to him. What mattered most was that he accomplished…

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The Good News

This week we will look at the message of the church. In the New Testament, we find the word “gospel” more than 100 times. The Greek word euangelion…

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Committed to Prayer

This week we have been looking at the method in which God works through the community of believers. Today we will look at the fourth commitment…

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Committed to Sharing a Meal

The third commitment the early church held to was “the breaking of bread.” In his commentary on the book of Acts, Howard Marshall writes concerning…

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Committed to One Another

The second commitment the early church held was to “the fellowship.” The fellowship here refers to the relationships that made-up the church. They…

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