
Sacrifice as Part of Worship

Sacrifice as Part of Worship

Today we will finish our look at what is means to worship fully the Christ of Christmas. In the above text, we find the Magi from the east reach…

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Think Like Jesus

ere, Paul is challenging believers to develop the attitude or mind of Christ. If we are going to model Christ’s humility, then we must think…

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A Humble Mindset

The terms that Paul uses in the above text are an indication of what was happening in the church at Philippi. He also communicates the remedy to…

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Humble Like Jesus

In humility, we are called to put the needs of others before our own. About 15% of the “one another” commands stress an attitude of humility…

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Bear with One Another in Love

In the above text, Paul instructs believers, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” One of the traits…

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Devoted in Brotherly Love

This week we have been looking at the traits of authentic Christian community. Here in Romans chapter 12, Paul paints a beautiful word picture…

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Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

In his commentary on Galatians, J.V. McGee writes, “There are three methods of trying to live the Christian life—two of them will not work. One…

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The Debt to Love

In the text above, Paul is clearly communicating that as believers we are to owe no one for anything but love. As believers, we are to always…

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Love One Another

Last weekend, Pastor Rick kicked off a new series called A New Community. During this series we will discover what God desires Christian comm…

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