
Living Stone

Living Stone

This begins a new section in which Peter uses Old Testament imagery to show that believers are in fact a new people of God who have come to possess…

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Pursue Holiness

Pursue Holiness

In chapters two through four, Peter addresses the suffering of believers and the suffering of Christ. We will see from this chapter that suffering…

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Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Ministry of the Holy Spirit

In this section of scripture, Peter’s purpose is to show that the spiritual blessings they now have are greater than anything that was envisioned…

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Search My Heart

With the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been said, “We are living in unprecedented times.” In the midst of this pandemic, our nation now…

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Unified Praise

In Romans 15:5, Paul focuses on the importance of unity in the church. He knew that if believers were not united in their faith and the declaration…

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The One We Praise

In this section of Psalm 145, David focuses on God’s Glory, His Kingdom, His Power and His Mighty Acts. This is a continuation of the themes we saw…

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The Motivation for Praise

David now makes his case as to why he will praise God all the days of his life, regardless of his circumstances. David goes on to list all the…

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A Discipline of Praise

In verse two, David is very specific. He sings, “Every day I will praise you.” Here we see the importance of continuity in our praise of Almighty God…

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Endless Praise

Psalm 145 is a “praise” song. It is considered a song to the Lord, the Great King, for His mighty acts and benevolent virtues, which are the glory…

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Focus on Character

At verse thirty-three, the psalm changes its tone and becomes meditative. With the facts of God’s deliverance still in mind, the underlying…

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A Thankful Heart

Today we will see that the last component of realizing God’s unfailing love is to respond in thanksgiving to God. In verses eight and…

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