
Our Attitude Toward the World

Our Attitude Toward the World

John now turns from a description of the church to a description of the world, and to instruction about the church’s attitude toward it. What is…

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Walk in Love

Walk in Love

John continues his thoughts in chapter two regarding Christ’s atoning work as it relates to our sin. He begins by declaring that God does not want…

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God is Light

God is Light

John begins this passage by declaring that God is holy! This is in stark contrast to the unholiness or sinfulness of mankind. He uses the metaphor…

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The Ultimate Judge

Jesus continues teaching about kingdom living and the principles necessary to abide in God’s kingdom. You will note that these principles come…

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To Tell You the Truth

Now we come to the final passage for this week. Here Jesus speaks to the subject of making and keeping oaths. An oath is “a solemn promise, often…

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God’s Desire for Marriage

In this passage of Scripture, Jesus addresses a very touchy subject that evokes a lot of emotion in our current culture. Over the last century…

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In Your Heart

Jesus now uses the sin of adultery to further emphasize His point concerning the Law. Once again, He raises the standard by which the Law must…

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Go and Be Reconciled

Jesus continues his thoughts concerning the importance of the inward condition of a person’s heart. In verses 21-22, He addresses the issue of…

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The Condition of Your Heart

This statement by Jesus is extremely profound. He addresses the real issue concerning the Law. The Pharisees believed they were doing a pretty…

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Show Me the Way

In this passage, Jesus encourages believers to “practice” and “teach” God’s commands. From this we know that the Law is still good. It has not…

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Show Me My Sin

According to Jesus, the Law is still a standard. We are not free to break the Mosaic Law. The Law still reveals to me that I cannot measure up to…

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