
Love Is an Action

Love Is an Action

In this passage of Scripture, John will elaborate on the importance of love as an indicator of our relationship to God. He continues the stark…

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Living a Holy Life

Living a Holy Life

As John closed out chapter two, he showed us that righteousness, not knowledge, is the principal mark of a person who has been born again of the…

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Continue in Christ

Continue in Christ

In keeping with his warning about not being intwined in this world system, John now writes concerning the Antichrist. The spirit of the Antichrist…

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When You Fast

Jesus now moves on to the subject of fasting. Fasting is going without something so that we can better connect with God. Fasting is often inter…

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When You Pray

Once again, Jesus uses the word hypocrite to describe people who pray openly in the streets
 “to be seen by men.” This is some strong language…

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Looking for Recognition

In verses two through four, Jesus attacks the pride of the religious leaders. When the Pharisees wanted to give something to the poor, it was…

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Check Your Motives

As we move into chapter six of Matthew, Jesus speaks concerning the inner motives that control external acts of righteousness, such as giving…

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From the Inside Out

This is an interesting story from the Old Testament that has a surprise ending. The Arameans were constantly at war with Israel. In this battle…

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Be Perfect

Jesus wraps up this instruction on these values, that go way beyond the good ways the people had been taught, by saying this: “Be perfect, there…

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The Mark of a Disciple

Now we come to some difficult teaching by Jesus. Jesus is telling us that not only should we show self-control when it comes to retaliation, but…

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The Extra Mile

Jesus continues to teach about kingdom living and our attitude toward those who would offend us. In verse forty, He describes those who would…

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