
Watch Out for Deceivers

Watch Out for Deceivers

The tone of John’s letter now shifts as he transitions away from heartfelt encouragement to a warning concerning “deceivers” who were denying the…

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Walking in the Truth

Walking in the Truth

John now begins to unpack what it means to “walk in the truth.” In the first three verses we saw how important the truth concerning the person…

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Jesus Is the Truth

Jesus Is the Truth

Scholars across the board agree that the author of 2 John is the same disciple that wrote the Gospel of John and 1 John. The main thrust in this…

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God Hears and Answers

After watching Jesus pray, His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. In Luke 11, He teaches His disciples to pray by using parables of…

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Today, we will look at the fourth part of payer: supplication. Supplication means to ask with intensity, earnestness, and perseverance. Supplication…

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So far, we have looked at the first two parts of prayer: adoration and confession. Today we will focus on the third part of prayer: thanksgiving…

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Yesterday we looked at the first part of prayer, which was adoration. Today we will focus on the second part of prayer which is confession…

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In his book, Discipleship Essentials, Greg Ogden defines prayer this way: “Prayer is a transparent dialogue. It is a conversation with God in…

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Make a Right Judgment

We will close out this week with a quote from Jesus. The religious leaders were condemning Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. After revealing…

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The Word of God is the Standard

This week we have learned the importance of judging ourselves before judging others. We must first deal with our own sin (plank) before trying…

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