
A Call to Course Correct

A Call to Course Correct

Today we will examine two more of the churches mentioned in Revelation. The first church is Sardis. Sardis was an active commercial city and very…

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Commendations and Rebukes

Commendations and Rebukes

John now records a message to the church in Pergamum. Jesus commends this church for several things. First, He recognizes that these believers were…

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Seven Holy Messages

Seven Holy Messages

Jesus had messages for seven specific churches in Asia Minor. John would be the one to convey these messages to the churches of that time, understand…

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Rescued from the Power of Sin

In the first five chapters of Romans, Paul deals with the doctrine of Justification (being made right with God). The result of justification is…

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Saved by Grace

Christ died for the ungodly—those who actually were His enemies (on their part). We are all enemies of God until we are justified through faith…

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The Benefits of Justification

Paul now will detail some of the benefits that result from the doctrine of justification by faith. The first benefit is that we have peace with…

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Faith Like Abraham

Paul has clearly stated that man is a sinner. Then he reveals that God provides a righteousness for sinners, and justification by faith has been…

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Justified by Faith

Notice how Paul wraps up his opening argument concerning the human condition: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (verse 23)…

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Rejoicing in Suffering

Now, Peter addresses a difficult issue. He instructs his readers to not be surprised when they experience trials. Instead, they should rejoice…

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Magnify Jesus

Peter is clearly communicating that our verbal testimony and our service for God should be done in such a way that God may get the glory through…

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