
Evil Unveiled

Evil Unveiled

In chapters nine through eleven, we see the blowing of the last three trumpets. The fifth trumpet is significant because it is here that the demonic realm is unleashed. John writes about a “star” who is given the key…

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The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation

It is important to note here that the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven personalities, and the seven bowls of wrath all concern the same time period. In the seven seals, we see the judgment which is…

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God’s Divine Judgement

God’s Divine Judgement

Chapters six through eight record the Lamb of God opening the seven seals from the scroll. Obviously, there is not enough space in a devotional format to cover all this content in three devotions…

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How to Love Others

Once again, Paul focuses in on the importance of love in living out the Christian life. In the above text, Paul is saying that as believers, we…

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Relationships Are Hard

Paul continues to instruct believers on how they are to relate to one another. He begins by writing, “Let love be without hypocrisy.” Why would…

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Living in Unity

Societies and their systems tend to encourage people to divide along racial, ethnic, and cultural lines, or else to abandon their distinctives…

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The Tension of Gray Areas

One noticeable difference between Christianity and most other religions is that Christians are not bound by ritualistic rules. Paul discusses…

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Unity Amidst Diversity

One of the most dangerous practices in our culture today is the tendency to measure one’s worth by comparing oneself to other people. This is…

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A Living Sacrifice

In chapter twelve, Paul begins to wrap up his treatise on biblical Christianity with some real practical insight as to how to live out this faith…

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Grafted Into the Family of God

Now Paul focuses on Israel’s future. He begins this passage with a question: “Did they (Israel) stumble so as to fall beyond recovery?” Paul’s…

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