
Counterfeit Messiah

Counterfeit Messiah

In this chapter, John introduces us to two more characters in this end-times drama. We are introduced to the beast from the sea and the beast…

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The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation

As chapter twelve begins, we are introduced to three characters who are very important in understanding the end-times narrative. We are now info…

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Today we will conclude our weekly devotions by looking at the last spiritual gift that Paul writes about in our text: the spiritual gift of mercy…

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Giving and Leading

So far, we have looked at the gifts of prophecy, serving, teaching and encouraging. Today we will look at two more of the gifts: giving and lead…

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Encouraging and Teaching

Yesterday we learned about the spiritual gifts of prophecy and serving. Today we will look at the spiritual gifts of encouraging and teaching…

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Prophecy and Serving

The next couple of days we will look at the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans chapter twelve. This is not the complete list. You can examine…

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Finding Your Gifting

Last week we saw how we were not to compare ourselves to others. This week we look at some of the different ministry gifts that are represented…

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Discerning Good and Evil

As Paul closes out his letter to the church at Rome, he commends the believers in Rome for their reputation of being obedient. Paul rejoices…

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Watch Out for False Teachers

As Paul closes out his letter to the church at Rome, he injects a stern warning in the middle of his greetings to numerous saints. He warned the…

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Practice Humility

At this point Paul resumes his personal testimony as an apostle to the Gentiles. He began this letter in a very personal manner. Now he leaves…

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