
The Second Coming of Christ

The Second Coming of Christ

John’s vision of the last days now turns a corner. John now writes about the return of the King of kings to rule and reign in righteousness.

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The Judgment of Two Babylons

The Judgment of Two Babylons

In chapter seventeen, we see the judgment of two Babylons. We will first see the apostate church in the Great Tribulation in chapter seventeen…

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God Pours out His Judgment

God Pours out His Judgment

In chapter fifteen, we learn about seven angels having seven plagues, which constitute the “completed wrath of God.” John also is shown a multitude…

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Be Wise and Innocent

“God never intended for us to know about evil. In the beginning He made the universe, the world, all living things and mankind. Then He called it…

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Dealing with Divisive Groups

This passage of scripture instructs believers on how to deal with people who create divisions in the church. The reason Paul warns the church…

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The Example of a Godly Woman

In this final chapter of Romans, the Gospel manifests itself through the lives of ordinary people. It is important to recognize that in the…

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Live by Faith

Faith pleases God. In fact, without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). So, it makes sense that everything we do should origi…

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Help Others Grow

In verse thirteen, Paul lets us know that our goal must be to help all believers grow into spiritual maturity and not to hinder their progress…

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The Judgment Seat

Paul now teaches us that our religious practices are to be done out of conviction before God. How we live and die must come from the conviction…

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Disputable Matters

It is apparent from Paul’s letter that Christians in Rome had different opinions on certain practices since they came from various backgrounds…

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