
The New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem

John is now given a graphic vision of the new Jerusalem and a description of the eternal dwelling place of the Bride. In his commentary on Revelation, J.V. McGee writes, “The appearance of this city is…

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Fellowship With God Restored

Fellowship With God Restored

Eternity is unveiled in chapter twenty-one. We will see a new heaven, a new earth, a new Jerusalem, a new era, and the eternal dwelling of Christ and His bride. In the vision now given to John…

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The 1,000-Year Reign

In this chapter, we are given a preview of the Millennial Kingdom in relationship to Christ, Satan, man, the tribulation saints, the resurrections, the earth, and the Great White Throne judgment. This chapter is the division…

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Before and After

In the opening verses of chapter two, Paul draws a contrast between our life before Christ and the new life that is ours as a result of the redem…

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God Gives Us an Inheritance

Today we will focus on verses eleven through fourteen. Here we will find several more of the spiritual blessings that are ours as a result of…

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Redemption Through Christ

Yesterday we discovered that the forgiveness of sins and God’s grace are two of the wonderful spiritual blessings that God bestows upon His spirit…

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Forgiveness and Grace

Yesterday we learned that God chose us. He adopted us into His spiritual family. Lastly, He loves/accepts us in Christ. In verses seven and eight…

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God Chose Us

In the text above, Paul describes some of the blessings for believers who are in Christ Jesus. It is as if Paul were making a list of the bene…

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The Romans Road

As we close out our study of the Book of Romans, it is important to look back and review some key passages from Romans. The five verses above are…

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