
The Head of the Church

The Head of the Church

Yesterday we looked at Christ, the Rock/Foundation of the church. Today we read about Christ, the Head of the body. In the book of Ephesians…

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The Rock the Church Is Built On

The Rock the Church Is Built On

Most theologians agree that when Jesus says “rock,” He is referring to Himself or to Peter’s confession that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the…

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Eternity in View

Eternity in View

Today we come to the end of a five-year journey through the Bible. It has been an amazing journey as we think back to the opening chapters of Genesis where God created mankind and placed us in a perfect paradise….

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Parental Authority

Paul continues to write concerning practical theology. Now he addresses the most difficult topic of child/parent relationships. He begins this…

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Live a Life of Love

In our last devotion, Paul focused on the commands to “put off your old self” and “put on the new self.” Basically, we are to live new lives be…

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New Life

In verses seventeen through twenty-one, Paul reminds the believers in Ephesus who they used to be before Christ. In verses twenty-two through…

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The Seven “Ones”

In the first six verses of chapter four, Paul stresses the importance of unity in the church. Paul now presents some practical theology concern…

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Filled with the Fullness of God

Once again, we have a written record of Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus. Ephesus was a strategic location but also a difficult city to…

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Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone

The focus of this passage of Scripture is the importance of Jesus bringing the Jews and Gentiles together. Through His work on the cross (atoning…

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One in Christ

In this section of Scripture, Paul once again contrasts believers’ lives and position in Christ before salvation and after receiving Christ. The…

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Saved by Grace

Once again, Paul reminds us that the “spiritual blessings” outlined in chapter one are not the result of our own efforts to earn right-standing…

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