
Committed to One Another

Committed to One Another

The second commitment the early church held was to “the fellowship.” The fellowship here refers to the relationships that made-up the church. They…

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A Spiritual Framework for Peace

Paul begins verse eight with, “Finally, brothers.” Paul is getting close to wrapping up this personal letter to the church at Philippi. Here Paul…

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A New Motivation

In Philippians chapter three, Paul evaluates his former life to determine if what he did for God pre-Christ had any value at all. His spiritual…

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God at Work – In You!

Now Paul challenges the Philippian believers to “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Paul is not suggesting that…

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Having the Mind of Christ

In this text, Paul uses four “if” statements. It would be better understood if you used the word “since” in place of the word “if.” These phrases…

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Living as Heavenly Citizens

Most scholars believe that Paul wrote this letter to the church located in Philippi while he was under house arrest in Rome. In this letter, Paul…

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The First Advent

Since this will be the last devotion before we break for Christmas, I thought it fitting that we would prepare our hearts for Christmas by once…

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Above and Beyond

Now that Paul has made his appeal to Philemon for Onesimus, he lets Philemon know that he is wiling to go the extra mile for Onesimus. Paul lets…

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Paul’s Appeal to Philemon

Now that Paul has laid the groundwork for his ask, he is now going to appeal to Philemon to receive Onesimus as a brother in the Lord. Paul…

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