
A Savior for All People

A Savior for All People

There are many aspects of the Christmas story that make absolutely no sense to the average reader. If these accounts were being written by men…

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God’s Sovereign Hand

God’s Sovereign Hand

This week we will be looking at Luke’s narrative concerning the birth of Christ. This account seems to have the most detail of the birth of Jesus…

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Faith as an Act of Worship

After the angelic announcement, Mary immediately traveled to the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth. In the announcement, Gabriel told Mary that…

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Fix Our Thoughts on Jesus

In previous chapters, the writer of Hebrews has demonstrated how Christ is superior to the prophets and that He is superior to the angels. In…

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A God-Centered Heart

Mary paid a tremendous price to bring the Savior into the world. Her reputation in Nazareth was destroyed. She would have to give birth in a…

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