
The Good News

The Good News

This week we will look at the message of the church. In the New Testament, we find the word “gospel” more than 100 times. The Greek word euangelion…

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Committed to Prayer

Committed to Prayer

This week we have been looking at the method in which God works through the community of believers. Today we will look at the fourth commitment…

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Committed to Sharing a Meal

Committed to Sharing a Meal

The third commitment the early church held to was “the breaking of bread.” In his commentary on the book of Acts, Howard Marshall writes concerning…

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Godly Living

In this passage, Paul continues to instruct and encourage this young pastor of the church at Ephesus. Paul begins with a warning to avoid “godless…

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Doctrine of the Godhead

Paul begins chapter two by instructing Timothy to pray for everyone, especially for “kings and all those in authority.” This is important be…

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A Pure Heart

Paul writes this letter to Timothy who he referred to as “my true son in the faith.” Paul writes this letter to encourage him in his faith and…

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Partnership in the Gospel

In his opening salutation to the church at Philippi, Paul thanks his heavenly Father for the Philippian’s partnership in the Gospel. The word that…

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Key to Contentment

Throughout his faith walk, Paul learned valuable lessons that allowed him to experience peace and contentment during some of the most difficult…

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Unshakable Joy

Yesterday we saw how Paul maintained an attitude of gratitude despite his difficult circumstances. Today, we will see how Paul maintained a…

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Attitude of Gratitude

No doubt 2020 was a difficult year. Unfortunately, 2021 has also gotten off to a rough start. Despite the pandemic and civil unrest, it is…

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