
Messengers of the Gospel

Messengers of the Gospel

It is clear from the above text that both Jew and Gentile are to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. It is also clear from Scripture and…

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The Gospel of God’s Grace

The Gospel of God’s Grace

In Paul’s farewell address to the Elders at Ephesus, he clearly communicated what was important to him. What mattered most was that he accomplished…

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Suffering for the Gospel

Most scholars believe that 2 Timothy is the last letter Paul would write before his death. This letter was written about A.D. 66. Paul would be…

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The Gospel of Grace

The final chapter of this book has to do with the Church and the government. The duty of the church is to submit to governing authorities. The…

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Living Sacrifices

Paul now gives the theological basis for the lifestyle encouraged in the first ten verses of this chapter. As believers, we are to live lives set…

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Sound Doctrine

Paul now imparts godly wisdom to this young minister in a difficult ministry field. “But you must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine…

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Good Fruit

Here Paul contrasts the “pure” and the “defiled.” Paul is in effect reminding Titus of our Lord’s teaching that it is what comes out of a man…

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Spiritual Opposition

This week we will look at another personal letter that Paul wrote to a young ministry associate. This letter was addressed to Titus, “My true…

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Contentment in Christ

As Paul wraps up this personal letter, he warns Timothy about prideful people serving in ministry. These people pursue a form of godliness as a…

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Honor of an Elder

I was recently asked the question: What does an elder at Oak Pointe Church do? Back in chapter three, Paul addresses the qualifications for elders…

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