
The Great Commission

The Great Commission

This week we will focus on the MISSION of the church. In the above passage of Scripture known as The Great Commission, Jesus informs the church…

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Proclaim the Good News

Proclaim the Good News

In the church at Corinth, many people had begun to focus on personalities rather than on the message of Christ. There was division in the church…

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Faithful Steward; Good Soldier

Two weeks ago, pastor Bob pointed out eight pictures of a faithful servant found in 2 Timothy 2:1-26. For the next four days, we will look at the…

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Godly Heritage

As Paul wrote, awaiting death, he reminded Timothy of “the promise of life” that is obtained through faith in Christ Jesus. Paul had been preach…

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Proclaiming the Word

In this final chapter of 2 Timothy, we sense a note of sadness as Paul gives Timothy some final instructions for the last days. These are pro…

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Godly Influence

Verse fourteen probably is referencing Timothy’s mother and grandmother. Paul referenced Timothy’s godly heritage back in chapter one. Timothy…

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Godlessness in the last days

Paul opens chapter three with a description of the godlessness that will be present in the last days. The “last days” usually refers to the end…

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Craftsman of God’s Word

In this text, we once again see Paul warning Timothy about false teachers and those who would divide the church with meaningless arguments. In…

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