
Life-On-Life Discipleship

Life-On-Life Discipleship

Out of the process of discipleship comes the principle of multiplication. Multiplying is helping to form another disciple who will form another…

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Purposeful Proximity

Purposeful Proximity

Today we will look at Paul’s strategy for making disciples. In all three of Paul’s missionary journeys, we see him practicing the strategy of…

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Transformational Discipleship

Transformational Discipleship

Jesus came to reconcile mankind to God. When He ascended to the Father, He passed on the baton of His mission to His church. This passage begins…

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Superior High Priest

Just another reminder that the superiority of the priesthood of Christ is the subject at hand. The argument for the superiority of Christ’s priesthood…

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Perseverance in Faith

In this section of Hebrews, the writer felt it necessary to warn his readers who were on the verge of abandoning their faith. He minces no words…

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High Priesthood of Jesus Christ

The letter now moves into a second great section which deals with the superior High Priesthood of Jesus Christ. The priestly role of Christ has…

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Perseverance in Faith

This passage of scripture moves into a comparison between Jesus and Moses. Obviously, Moses was highly esteemed in the mind of the Jews…

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Author of our Salvation

Up to this point, the author of Hebrews has focused on the superiority of Christ. In this section, he makes a clarification concerning His…

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Superiority of Christ

In the opening verses of this letter, we see how the author demonstrates how Christ is superior to the prophets. In the verses that follow, the…

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Son of God, Jesus!

here has been much debate about the authorship of this letter. It is clear from the text that this author had a full understanding of Old Test…

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