
The Ministry of Influence

The Ministry of Influence

In the Old Testament, for forty days a woman was considered unclean after the birth of a child. After the forty days had passed, Joseph and Mary…

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The Gift-Giver

The Gift-Giver

This week we have been talking about the gifts that God gives to His children and to His church. Today we will focus on the Gift-Giver. From the…

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Spiritually Mature

Spiritually Mature

In this passage of Scripture, Paul is making the point that Christ takes certain people who have been given gifts and He gifts them to the church…

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It Is Finished

In this chapter, Peter makes it clear that when life is easy there is a danger of drifting into a state of mind which accepts every blessing in…

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Committed to Christ

Peter now goes on to write about how we as believers can live a life totally committed to Christ. The key is found in verse 15, “But in your hearts…

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Live in Harmony

Peter now gives some general instructions for all believers. He begins by encouraging all believers to be like-minded, sympathetic, loving, comp…

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Free in Christ

Peter now urges believers to submit to all authorities, whether the persons exercising authority are believers or not. Since Nero had just come…

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Living Stone

This begins a new section in which Peter uses Old Testament imagery to show that believers are in fact a new people of God who have come to possess…

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Pursue Holiness

In chapters two through four, Peter addresses the suffering of believers and the suffering of Christ. We will see from this chapter that suffering…

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Ministry of the Holy Spirit

In this section of scripture, Peter’s purpose is to show that the spiritual blessings they now have are greater than anything that was envisioned…

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Joy in Suffering

Peter wrote his letters after Paul had written his letters, somewhere between A.D. 64 and 67, after Nero had come to the throne and persecution…

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