
The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper

In the passage above, we see Jesus initiating a church ordinance that we call The Lord’s Supper or Communion. This ordinance would act as a physical reminder…

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Believer’s Baptism

Believer’s Baptism

One of the New Testament doctrines that is very important is the doctrine of believer’s baptism. Some faiths baptize babies. This comes from a…

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Baptism as a Declaration of Faith

Baptism as a Declaration of Faith

Why was Jesus baptized? The main reason is stated in the text, “to fulfill all righteousness.” Jesus is identifying Himself completely with sinful humanity. The prophet Isaiah had prophesied that the Messiah would be numbered with sinners (see Isaiah 53:12). Baptism means…

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Eternal Hope

This letter was written by the apostle John. This was the beloved disciple that Jesus entrusted His mother to at Calvary. This letter was written…

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Living in the Last Days

Now that Jude has warned his readers about these false teachers, he instructs them to persevere. He instructs them to “remember what the apostles…

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Contend for the Faith

Jude, the author of this short letter, is the half brother of Jesus. Many see Jude as a companion letter to 2 Peter since Jude writes concerning…

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The Straight Way vs. My Way

In order to understand what Peter is warning his readers about, you must first understand the false teaching that had become prevalent at the time…

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Facts Not Fables

This epistle is most likely Peter’s final words to the church. In this letter, he warns the church about false teachers. He gives the church signs…

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You Matter to God

So how does Peter wrap us this short treatise on human suffering? He does so by instructing his readers to “humble” themselves under God’s mighty…

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Suffering Well

When suffering happens, most of us react as if it were something strange. Somehow, we feel like nobody else has ever suffered like we have. The…

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