
The Debt to Love

The Debt to Love

In the text above, Paul is clearly communicating that as believers we are to owe no one for anything but love. As believers, we are to always…

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Love One Another

Love One Another

Last weekend, Pastor Rick kicked off a new series called A New Community. During this series we will discover what God desires Christian comm…

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The Way to Approach Communion

The Way to Approach Communion

Paul was not present in the upper room. He got this as a direct revelation from the Lord. Paul is writing to the Corinthian church to rebuke them for the irreverent…

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Love and Obedience

In chapter five, John writes concerning our fellowship with God in this life. John will declare that the relationship between the life…

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It All Comes Down to Love

After identifying the false teachers in the first six verses of chapter four, John goes on to describe the attributes of a true believer. We should…

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Love Is an Action

In this passage of Scripture, John will elaborate on the importance of love as an indicator of our relationship to God. He continues the stark…

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Living a Holy Life

As John closed out chapter two, he showed us that righteousness, not knowledge, is the principal mark of a person who has been born again of the…

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Continue in Christ

In keeping with his warning about not being intwined in this world system, John now writes concerning the Antichrist. The spirit of the Antichrist…

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Our Attitude Toward the World

John now turns from a description of the church to a description of the world, and to instruction about the church’s attitude toward it. What is…

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Walk in Love

John continues his thoughts in chapter two regarding Christ’s atoning work as it relates to our sin. He begins by declaring that God does not want…

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God is Light

John begins this passage by declaring that God is holy! This is in stark contrast to the unholiness or sinfulness of mankind. He uses the metaphor…

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