
Bear with One Another in Love

Bear with One Another in Love

In the above text, Paul instructs believers, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” One of the traits…

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Devoted in Brotherly Love

Devoted in Brotherly Love

This week we have been looking at the traits of authentic Christian community. Here in Romans chapter 12, Paul paints a beautiful word picture…

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Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

In his commentary on Galatians, J.V. McGee writes, “There are three methods of trying to live the Christian life—two of them will not work. One…

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Seven Holy Messages

Jesus had messages for seven specific churches in Asia Minor. John would be the one to convey these messages to the churches of that time, understand…

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The Revelation of Jesus

In his book entitled, An Exposition of the Whole Bible, G. Campbell Morgan writes, “The theme of this book is found in its opening sentence…

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Developing a Godly Reputation

Based on this short but very personal letter, we learn that Gaius had developed a reputation for being a godly man. First John commends him for…

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Honor God Like Gaius

In many ways, 3 John is like an addendum to 2 John. In this very short letter, we will see some of the same themes found in 2 John. In these first…

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Watch Out for Deceivers

The tone of John’s letter now shifts as he transitions away from heartfelt encouragement to a warning concerning “deceivers” who were denying the…

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Walking in the Truth

John now begins to unpack what it means to “walk in the truth.” In the first three verses we saw how important the truth concerning the person…

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Jesus Is the Truth

Scholars across the board agree that the author of 2 John is the same disciple that wrote the Gospel of John and 1 John. The main thrust in this…

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