Due to inclement weather, Oak Pointe offices, the Pointe Café, and Play Park Will be Closed January 21 & 22

Conversations: A Listening Series

July 6, 2020

The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25th launched a national and world discourse on racial injustice. In response, Pastor Bob conducted a series of interviews of black Pastors in the City of Detroit and two young activists, asking questions and seeking to better understand their views on Racial Injustice. The Conversations Series format was atypical in that it was almost exclusively listening in its approach and the content was full of emotions and incredibly raw. Due to the listening format, many questions, concerns about political phrases, and concerns as to the church’s formal position on some critical issues associated with biblical justice were left unanswered. After the Conversation Series, the Elders completed an initial review of the words, phrases and thoughts that provoked the most questions, confusion and disagreement, and issued this Statement of Affirmation on Issues Surrounding Racial Injustice and the Conversation Series. Our hope is that as a result of the Conversation Series and the Statement of Affirmation, our congregants will be even more empathetic and energized to reach the culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only real lasting answer to the problems of our sinful world.