Cody Points to Ponder: January 2023

“Love one another.” John 13:34

For Christmas, I made shadow boxes with this short saying for each of my children and their families. It’s simple, but it’s not always easy. But it’s important to try. Even when I fail, I try to remember to err on the side of love. God does not ask me to judge others, but He does command me to love them. This can look like so many things – praying, offering an encouraging word, sharing hard truths, giving grace.

It can be especially hard to love others that are not like you. But remember that God loves us, even though we are nowhere close to being like Him. One way to love others is by recognizing and stepping into differences. Stepping into the humanity of others, instead of the differences in circumstances or backgrounds. Starting with an understanding that all of us are created in God’s image, that all fall short, and that we all need God. Then lean into love, whatever it looks like in that moment.

As one of my friends is fond of saying – love wins.