Cody Partnership Profile: Karen Leaver

Karen Leaver

This past year (2020 – 2021) I signed up to be a virtual reading mentor. I was reluctant to do it because I’m not “tech savvy”. During the virtual training, I was the worst trainee; I had to have one-on-one training—LOL.Yet, I remembered that the Lord didn’t bring me back to Michigan to sit on the sidelines.  

Raymond was my virtual student. He was always pleasant, he was always present, and his mom was always aware of our conversations. One day the word “pie” was on our reading list. I asked Raymond what his favorite pie was. He said that he had never had a pie. I told him that I would make a pie and deliver it to him. As promised, I made and delivered the pie along with a couple books for Raymond.

That apple pie served as a catalyst for my relationship with Raymond and his family. I think that his mom became very comfortable with me, and I think that Raymond was as well. In fact, he would invite me to his cousins’ birthday parties, and he invited me over to jump on his trampoline. :>)

Because of our evolving relationship, I invited Raymond to go with my husband, my grandson, and I to the zoo. His mom agreed but asked if I could take Raymond’s sister too. She was afraid that sister would be sad if she couldn’t go to the zoo too. We had room and gladly took Rai’la. We had a delightful day looking at all the animals; Raymond loved the adventure. 

Another big highlight for Raymond and Rai’la at the zoo was the carousel; they had never been on one. As we patiently waited in line, they examined every animal on the carousel trying to choose the perfect animal to ride. Raymond was even a little scared but managed to overcome his anxiety. When we got back to their home that evening, the kids told their mom that it was the best day ever.  

Consider volunteering for the Cody Partnership. There are many ways to make a difference; it could even start with a pie. Volunteering has been a great blessing to me. I just pray that I have been a blessing to those in which I have been in contact.