
Simple Faith

Simple Faith

The above verses are perhaps the most famous verses from the New Testament. Here, Jesus is explaining to Nicodemus the purpose of His first advent…

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The Author and Sustainer of Life

The Author and Sustainer of Life

The introduction to this letter is very similar to the introduction to John’s Gospel. Here, John goes out of his way to make that point that they…

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Shepherds Spread the Word

Shepherds Spread the Word

No doubt the angelic announcement of Christ’s birth had a profound impact on the lives of the shepherds. They must have thought, “Who are we that…

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A Savior for All People

There are many aspects of the Christmas story that make absolutely no sense to the average reader. If these accounts were being written by men…

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God’s Sovereign Hand

This week we will be looking at Luke’s narrative concerning the birth of Christ. This account seems to have the most detail of the birth of Jesus…

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Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

As human beings, we often complicate things and make them much harder to understand. In Mark’s Gospel, he begins with the start of Jesus’ earthly…

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Simple Obedience

Throughout the Christmas narrative, we see a series of simple instructions being given to Joseph and Mary. For their part, they just needed to…

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Keep It Simple

What a contrast we see in this chapter. First, we see the birth of Christ as an unwanted disruption to King Herod’s political agenda and to what…

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Sacrifice as Part of Worship

Today we will finish our look at what is means to worship fully the Christ of Christmas. In the above text, we find the Magi from the east reach…

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