Follow God Forward
This fall, we are relaunching our NEXT Campaign, where we’ll pay down building debt and add or remodel important spaces for ministry.
God is inviting us to shape the future of Oak Pointe Church for His glory and His fame. We believe He intends to use our church to bring thousands to faith in our communities and beyond. The NEXT capital campaign flows from Jesus’ mandate to “Go, make disciples…” and seeks to fulfill Oak Pointe’s mission to know Jesus and make Him known.
The campaign will be split 50/50 in two phases. This means 50% of funds will pay down building debt, and 50% of funds will accomplish building projects.
Phase 1 Projects $3M
- Add an internal café at the east end of the atrium
- Add a new playscape for kids connected to the west end of the atrium
- Pay down building debt
Phase 2 Projects $1.725M
- Remodel the kitchen to double the current size
- Remodel the atrium to match other new spaces
- Pay down building debt
Learn more by watching the video updates below.