First Impressions

Use your gifts, talents, and passion to serve others

Join the First Impressions Team!

Making Sundays Awesome

When people walk into a church for the first time it can feel uncomfortable. They don’t know where to go, what to do, or whom to talk to. They need friendly faces to help them navigate this new experience. That’s our First Impressions team. These team members are literally the face of Oak Pointe Church. Their warm smiles and desire to help can put new people at ease and make our church feel like a place to call home. First Impressions is a great place for families to serve together. Even little ones can be part of the team.

Team members serve during one service once a month. Arrive at either 8:30 am or 10:30 am depending on which service you choose.

Chat with people at the coffee area where you keep the coffee brewing.

Connection Center
The Connection Center is the hub of our atrium. These team members answer questions and help people check in and locate rooms.

Serve as a barista, first impressions, or security at The Pointe Café and Play Park.

Medical Team
As part of our broader First Impressions and Security team, we are working on building out a medical team to serve on Sundays to assist in the event of a medical emergency.

Main Entrance Greeter
You are the first face someone will see when they arrive. Flash a smile, say hello, and shake a hand or two. Our children love high-fives!

Parking Lot
The parking lot experience can make or break someone’s day. Your job is to keep traffic flowing while you guide cars toward open spaces.

Greet families and help ensure the safety of our church during services.

The usher team helps with greeting, counting people, preparing communion, and ensuring safety.

Worship Greeter
This team welcomes people at the worship center doors and walks them to the Connection Center when they have questions.

Worship Greet & Seat
These friendly faces help people find a seat in the worship center before or during the service.