Ezra 8

Prayer & Worship Gathering

Ezra 8

Sunday, February 2, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, followed by a pizza party

At Oak Pointe we believe that prayer is vital to our ministry and our lives. In fact, every area of our church has prayer at its foundation, and we talk to God and seek His direction in everything we do. This commitment to prayer is marked each year by our celebration of Ezra 8 Day—a day set aside each winter right around the birthday of our church where we gather to worship and seek God about the year ahead.

This isn’t an event just for staff and leaders—this is an event for everyone who calls Oak Pointe home, and we hope you’ll join us! We firmly believe that the miraculous and amazing things God has done in the life of our church and the lives of our people over the last 28 years are directly connected to this commitment to pray. Let’s seek God for 2025 together.


Join us in fasting and prayer in preparation for Ezra 8

The term “fast” comes from a Hebrew word meaning to cover or shut the mouth. In addition to abstaining from eating food, it also implies a holy silence. In the Bible, fasting is almost always connected with prayer/worship.

Why We Fast

Confession: returning to God by confessing sin (personal and corporate)

Humility: recognizing our weakness and posturing our hearts in meekness

Prayer: exchanging the needs of our physical body for the time and energy to address spiritual issues and intercede for the needs of our church and community

Awareness: heightening our attentiveness and responsiveness to the prompting of the Holy Spirit

How To Fast

Consecrate: Start by consecrating yourself to the Lord, asking for His help, and putting on your spiritual armor. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Abstain: For a period of time, eat no food (but drink plenty of water to stay hydrated)

• You could also fast from one meal or eat only fruits and vegetables

• Unable to fast from food? Consider fasting from TV, social media, coffee, talking, etc…

Pray: If a person or need comes to mind, pray accordingly

Meditate: If a scripture comes to mind, read it, and meditate on it

Special Note: If you have health concerns, don’t fast from food unless your doctor approves.