
Superior High Priest

Superior High Priest

Just another reminder that the superiority of the priesthood of Christ is the subject at hand. The argument for the superiority of Christ’s priesthood…

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Perseverance in Faith

Perseverance in Faith

In this section of Hebrews, the writer felt it necessary to warn his readers who were on the verge of abandoning their faith. He minces no words…

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High Priesthood of Jesus Christ

High Priesthood of Jesus Christ

The letter now moves into a second great section which deals with the superior High Priesthood of Jesus Christ. The priestly role of Christ has…

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Amazing Faith

Hebrews 11 is filled with the stories of faithful men and women who trusted God and did some amazing things. We can read these verses and…

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A New View

In the last part of this Psalm, David expresses his faith in God. First, David laments by hurling at God. Then he tells God specifically what he…

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Approach with Confidence

In the first two verses of this Psalm, David expresses his despair openly to God. Now David moves from expressing his feelings to expressing real…

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God Can Handle It

This Psalm is full of beauty as it traces the way by which many a troubled soul has found consolation and strength. David wrote this Psalm out of…

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Mission Possible

Luke describes what the early church looked like as it lived out its mission for Jesus. We see that the early believers were not left to drift apart…

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Fact or Fiction?

The most important question is, was Jesus raised from the dead? Is the resurrection a fact? Everything depends on this. This is the fundamental tenet…

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