
You Matter to God

You Matter to God

So how does Peter wrap us this short treatise on human suffering? He does so by instructing his readers to “humble” themselves under God’s mighty…

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Suffering Well

Suffering Well

When suffering happens, most of us react as if it were something strange. Somehow, we feel like nobody else has ever suffered like we have. The…

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It Is Finished

It Is Finished

In this chapter, Peter makes it clear that when life is easy there is a danger of drifting into a state of mind which accepts every blessing in…

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More than a Song

This passage of Scripture clearly declares God’s judgment against the nation for rebelling against God and His commands. We see here a record of…

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Duty or Delight?

In the above passage, Jesus indicts the Jewish religious leaders for six things. The first thing He mentions is, “You neglect justice and the love…

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Act, Love, and Walk

The prophecy of Micah attests to his deep sensitivity to the social ills of his day. It is believed that he prophesied during the reigns of Jotham…

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Stand in the Gap

Today we will continue to look at how to proceed as we navigate this sensitive issue of racism in our culture. In the above text, the psalmist…

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Whatever You Do

So far this week, we have looked at identifying with the oppressed and encouraging the oppressed. Today, we will look at what it means to deliver…

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A Word of Encouragement

Yesterday we learned the importance of identifying with those who are marginalized in our society. Today we will learn the importance of encouraging…

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The Time is Now

The last two weeks we have looked at pride and prejudice. We learned that the sin of pride births the sinful action of prejudice. We also learned…

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Look At The Heart

King Saul was the people’s choice. He failed miserably at leading the nation. He came to power because the nation had rejected God’s leadership…

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