
The Straight Way vs. My Way

The Straight Way vs. My Way

In order to understand what Peter is warning his readers about, you must first understand the false teaching that had become prevalent at the time…

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Facts Not Fables

Facts Not Fables

This epistle is most likely Peter’s final words to the church. In this letter, he warns the church about false teachers. He gives the church signs…

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Hear from Heaven

As we saw yesterday, we have a responsibility to bring up our children “in the training and instruction of the Lord.” The Bible clearly speaks…

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Does Your Talk Match Your Walk?

In Deuteronomy 5-7, Moses is giving a repetition and interpretation of the Ten Commandments. It is important to note that in this text, God’s…

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Be the Influence

The story of the birth and calling of Samuel illustrates the power of positive influence. In the first two chapters of First Samuel, we get a gl…

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Godly Influence

Yesterday we saw the biblical concept of generational curses. We also saw that generational curses can be broken when people decide to honor and…

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Breaking the Curse

In Exodus 20, we have the giving of the Law to Moses. In his commentary on the book of Exodus, J.V. McGee wrote, “The Law is the mirror that…

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Biblical Love

With his death imminent, Jesus washed His disciple’s feet as a final proof of His love and to give them an example of humility and service. In an…

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Love Is…

If 1 John is the love book, then 1 Corinthians 13 is the love chapter in the Bible. Here Paul is writing to the Corinthian church about the impor…

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What the World Needs Now

I was recently reminded of a song from 1965 entitled, What the World Needs Now is Love by Jackie DeShannon. The chorus goes like this: “What the…

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